
Lens Artists Challenge #258

This week, Dawn in guest hosting and the topic is fences. From Dawn’s blog “I think any person with a photographer’s eye is drawn to fences. Leading lines are a favorite composition technique that uses, in this case, a fence, to draw the eye to a focal point, usually the horizon, in the image. Another favorite photographers’ composition technique is symmetry.  Symmetry always captures my attention and fences are a perfect example of that element of proportion and balance, whether they are lined up on the road or you are looking through their slats.”

Here are a few that I have chosen for this week.

First up is one of my grandson taken about 3 years ago. The photo was a quick spontaneous one. I loved the moment but he ended up being a little blurry in the photo so I edited the photo in Topaz Impression to make it look a little like a painting.

In the right setting – fences can make great reflections.

Some fences provide a great opportunity for close-up photography

Fences are great props for both farm life and wildlife. This little one was trying to decide whether or not to come in our yard and eat the bird food on the ground while the dog was back there. Story ending – he did not cross over.

Lastly – I have to include one from our local beautiful beaches in North Carolina – my favorite place.

11 thoughts on “Lens Artists Challenge #258

  1. Terrific fences Nora – absolutely loved the reflection. Very unusual to find a fence reflection I think. Also love the squirrel, poor little guy never did venture in!

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